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Latin Counsel sponsors the international launch of the book: ‘M&A Transactions: Current Legal Issues’ (SPANISH Edition)

August 16, 2024

Latin Counsel is pleased to announce the international launch of the book: ‘M&A transactions: Current legal issues’. Cuestiones jurídicas de actualidad’ (First edition. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. Llanes Ediciones. 2024).
This product, with novel and innovative characteristics for the professional practice of corporate law in Latin America, presents a detailed and theoretical-practical analysis on how to structure and negotiate an M&A transaction (whether of shares or assets), from the perspective of the application of the ‘Local Law’ of the Latin American lawyer who leads the projected transaction, whether it is agreed between domestic parties or governed by the Common Law.

Its author is corporate lawyer, international academic and lecturer, and LATIN COUNSEL correspondent in Argentina, Rodolfo G. Papa.

Rodolfo graduated as a lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires, with Honours Diploma, and holds a Master of Laws in International Economic Law (LL.M), from the University of Warwick (England) (British Chevening Scholarship). As an academic, he has given face-to-face trainings in Peru, Colombia and Panama. As an author, he has published five books on corporate transactions, and more than a hundred doctrinal articles. He is the director of the international training course ‘Structure of an M&A Deal’ (SIJUSA Panama), in which he has trained more than 500 corporate lawyers from 13 Latin American jurisdictions.

The foreword of this work has been written by Professor Dr. Sergio Carreño Mendoza, Director of the Mergers and Acquisitions Research Seminar of the Law School of the Universidad de Los Andes (Colombia).

In terms of its content structure, the book has been the result of academic research and professional practice, both local and international, carried out by its author during the last 5 years, which includes: an Introductory Chapter, and 13 Chapters, divided into the following 5 segments: (i) Legal Pillars and Structures; (ii) Preliminary Stage. Documentation. Good Faith. (iii) Due Diligence: traditional issues andcompliance due diligence; (iv) Contractual Negotiation. Risk Sharing. Design of the Post-Closing Stage; and, (v) Conflict Scenarios, and ‘Next Generation Issues’.

Rodolfo shares the following comments for LATIN COUNSEL:

‘I am very happy to launch this new work, counting (in addition) with the support in its dissemination, of such a recognized brand in the practice of corporate law in Latin America, as LATIN COUNSEL, of which, I have the pleasure of collaborating as its correspondent in Argentina, since 2005, accumulating a lot of good experiences and experiences, as a result of such work.

The book is the result of a research and survey of various doctrinal and jurisprudential sources prevailing in different jurisdictions in our region (especially in Argentina and Colombia), which has been extended over 5 years, and makes a comparative analysis of a number of issues that make up an M&A transaction, from the prism of the practice of the Latin American lawyer, before the principles and institutions prevailing in the Common Law.

In this regard, we have obviously taken into account the fact that we have adopted and adapted to the ‘Local Law’, the stages, documentation and ‘best practices’ that sequentially make up the ‘road map’ through which this type of deals are structured, whereby the practice of the Common Law (especially in certain jurisdictions of the United States (such as the State of New York), and certain leading cases dictated by the Court of Chancery of the State of Delaware, cited in our work), continue to exert a decisive influence in our region.

We hope that the launch of this editorial product will be a useful source of consultation and assistance for Latin American corporate lawyers facing the (always) complex challenge of structuring and negotiating an M&A transaction under the prism of ‘Local Law’, whether between exclusively domestic parties or those governed by the Common Law...’.

For those interested in accessing full information about the book, please contact the publisher directly at the following e-mail address: llanesediciones@gmail.com

LATIN COUNSEL collaborates with the dissemination of the launching of this new editorial product.


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