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LATIN COUNSEL sponsors the course "Structure of an M&A Deal" (In-Company format)  

June 13, 2024

​​​​​​LATIN COUNSEL is pleased to sponsor the International Professional Training Course (delivered in distance format) "Structure of an M&A Deal", in its "In-Company" format, which over the last 5 years has positioned itself as a recognised training tool for the benefit of Latin American corporate lawyers, members of law firms, professional services organisations and companies, who are the usual protagonists in the conclusion of this type of commercial transactions.

Its content structure focuses on a complete and exhaustive analysis for the design, implementation and execution of an M&A transaction, essentially aimed at the transfer of a "controlling" shareholding (or "controlling shareholding package") in a Latin American target company.

The course, delivered through the ZOOM platform, outlines the main legal, regulatory and compliance issues that may affect the completion of the transaction through its three stages: pre-contractual, contractual and post-contractual, including a detailed description of the documents to be prepared and negotiated at each stage.

The course is designed and taught by Rodolfo G. Papa, corporate lawyer, author, lecturer, international academic and LATIN COUNSEL correspondent in Argentina since 2005.

Rodolfo holds a Law Degree from the University of Buenos Aires (with Honours) and a Master of Laws (LL.M) from the University of Warwick (England), where he was awarded the British Chevening Scholarship. As an author, he has published 4 books on M&A transactions: "Transfer of Shareholding Control"; "Due Diligence for Lawyers and Accountants" (co-author); "Pre-contractual Transactions in the Argentine Civil and Commercial Code. Its Impact on the Structuring of a Transfer of Shareholder Control" and "The Criminal Liability of Private Corporations for Acts of Corruption" (co-author).

He has been teaching this course since the beginning of the pandemic and has trained more than 400 lawyers from 13 Latin American countries.

Rodolfo shares the following reflections on the course:

"We are very pleased to once again have the support of LATIN COUNSEL -of which I have had the pleasure of being part of the team for 20 years-, in the dissemination of the course "Structure of an M&A Deal", under the "in-company" modality, whose objective is to satisfy a concrete need for training and professional formation, in favour of law firms and companies that usually play a leading role in the conclusion of M&A deals, representing local clients or from other legal cultures, such as Common Law.

The course has also been successfully tested, as I have had the opportunity (and challenge) to teach it to 3 large international law firms, recognised in Latin America for their professional excellence.

We believe that it would be best for the firms or companies interested in the course to contact me directly in order to arrange a (remote) meeting with their managers, not only to provide them with all the relevant information on the contents and teaching methods, but also to define the objectives to be achieved, obviously "tailored" to their needs.

I have no doubt that, with the support of LATIN COUNSEL, the course will continue to grow as a training product for corporate lawyers in dealing with this complex and dynamic issue in the Latin American business world". 

Those interested in receiving full information on the content and teaching methods of the course and (possibly) requesting an interview (via ZOOM) with the person in charge of the course, should contact him directly at the following email address:



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