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Pérez-Llorca, AJPS and Red Cross Youth join forces to launch the solidarity campaign "Insure a smile" - "Asegura una sonrisa"
Pérez-Llorca and the Association of Young Insurance Professionals (Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales del Seguro - AJPS), in collaboration with the Red Cross Youth - Cruz Roja Juventud, have promo... view more [+]

Pérez-Llorca and the Association of Young Insurance Professionals (Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales del Seguro - AJPS), in collaboration with the Red Cross Youth - Cruz Roja Juventud, have promoted the first edition of the campaign Insure a Smi... view more [+]

Pérez-Llorca and the Association of Young Insurance Professionals (Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales del Seguro - AJPS), in collaboration with the Red Cross Youth - Cruz Roja Juventud, have promoted the first edition of the campaign Insure a Smile – Asegura una sonrisa, which starts next Nove... view more [+]

Pérez-Llorca and the Association of Young Insurance Professionals (Asociación de Jóvenes Profesionales del Seguro - AJPS), in collaboration with the Red Cross Youth - Cruz Roja Juventud, have promoted the first edition of the campaign Insure a Smile – Asegura una sonrisa, which starts next Nove... view more [+]

New law that creates temporary tax recovery measures in Panama
Law No. 401 creates temporary tax recovery measures and a special procedure for abbreviated audits and management of tax debts  

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On October 9, 2023, Law No. 401 of October 5, 2023, was published in Official Gazette No. 25998, which created temporary tax recovery measures and a special procedure for abbreviated audits and management of tax debt. This Law establishes a special p... view more [+]

On October 9, 2023, Law No. 401 of October 5, 2023, was published in Official Gazette No. 25998, which created temporary tax recovery measures and a special procedure for abbreviated audits and management of tax debt. This Law establishes a special procedure and requirements allowing the General Dir... view more [+]

On October 9, 2023, Law No. 401 of October 5, 2023, was published in Official Gazette No. 25998, which created temporary tax recovery measures and a special procedure for abbreviated audits and management of tax debt. This Law establishes a special procedure and requirements allowing the General Dir... view more [+]

Alessandri celebrates its 130 years with friends and clients
With a large attendance of clients and friends, Chilean elite firm Alessandri celebrated 130 years of history. Lawyers, clients and friends gathered at the firm’s offices for an entertaining evening... view more [+]

With a large attendance of clients and friends, Chilean elite firm Alessandri celebrated 130 years of history. Lawyers, clients and friends gathered at the firm’s offices for an entertaining evening with live music and a delicious cocktail. Artu... view more [+]

With a large attendance of clients and friends, Chilean elite firm Alessandri celebrated 130 years of history. Lawyers, clients and friends gathered at the firm’s offices for an entertaining evening with live music and a delicious cocktail. Arturo Alessandri, partner of the firm, reflected in h... view more [+]

With a large attendance of clients and friends, Chilean elite firm Alessandri celebrated 130 years of history. Lawyers, clients and friends gathered at the firm’s offices for an entertaining evening with live music and a delicious cocktail. Arturo Alessandri, partner of the firm, reflected in h... view more [+]

Growing criticism: more Spanish and international law firms reject the PSOE-Junts agreement mentioning "lawfare"
The pact reached in Spain between socialism and Catalan separatism continues to arouse repudiation in the legal field. Now, more law firms and entities have criticized the agreement that speaks of the... view more [+]

The pact reached in Spain between socialism and Catalan separatism continues to arouse repudiation in the legal field. Now, more law firms and entities have criticized the agreement that speaks of the instrumentation of justice for political purposes... view more [+]

The pact reached in Spain between socialism and Catalan separatism continues to arouse repudiation in the legal field. Now, more law firms and entities have criticized the agreement that speaks of the instrumentation of justice for political purposes or lawfare, in reference to the Catalan referendu... view more [+]

The pact reached in Spain between socialism and Catalan separatism continues to arouse repudiation in the legal field. Now, more law firms and entities have criticized the agreement that speaks of the instrumentation of justice for political purposes or lawfare, in reference to the Catalan referendu... view more [+]

The IBA expresses serious concerns about a potential erosion of the rule of law in Spain
IBA strongly supports the statements made by several bar associations, the government body of the judiciary, the judiciary and prosecutors’ associations as well as by numerous leading Spanish law fi... view more [+]

IBA strongly supports the statements made by several bar associations, the government body of the judiciary, the judiciary and prosecutors’ associations as well as by numerous leading Spanish law firms Statement by the President of the Internati... view more [+]

IBA strongly supports the statements made by several bar associations, the government body of the judiciary, the judiciary and prosecutors’ associations as well as by numerous leading Spanish law firms Statement by the President of the International Bar Association Almudena Arpón de Mendívil ... view more [+]

IBA strongly supports the statements made by several bar associations, the government body of the judiciary, the judiciary and prosecutors’ associations as well as by numerous leading Spanish law firms Statement by the President of the International Bar Association Almudena Arpón de Mendívil ... view more [+]

PSOE-Junts pact is under harsh criticism in Spain: law firms and organizations reject the use of the term "lawfare" and ask politicians to respect democracy
The agreement between the Socialist Party and Junts Per Catalunya for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Spanish Government caused great discontent in the legal sector. The Madri... view more [+]

The agreement between the Socialist Party and Junts Per Catalunya for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Spanish Government caused great discontent in the legal sector. The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) repudiated the agreement ... view more [+]

The agreement between the Socialist Party and Junts Per Catalunya for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Spanish Government caused great discontent in the legal sector. The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) repudiated the agreement suggesting there is a judicialization of the polit... view more [+]

The agreement between the Socialist Party and Junts Per Catalunya for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez as president of the Spanish Government caused great discontent in the legal sector. The Madrid Bar Association (ICAM) repudiated the agreement suggesting there is a judicialization of the polit... view more [+]

US fund Abry Partners agrees to buy Chambers & Partners for 459 million euros: what are the implications?
Financial Times and Debtwire were the first media outlets to report the sale by Inflexion

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Big news shook the legal world on Wednesday, November 8: the prestigious British firm Chambers & Partners will be taken over by Abry Partners, the Boston-based investment fund that also owns Best Lawyers. Private equity investment firm Inflexion h... view more [+]

Big news shook the legal world on Wednesday, November 8: the prestigious British firm Chambers & Partners will be taken over by Abry Partners, the Boston-based investment fund that also owns Best Lawyers. Private equity investment firm Inflexion had acquired Chambers in 2018. Now, with this sale,... view more [+]

Big news shook the legal world on Wednesday, November 8: the prestigious British firm Chambers & Partners will be taken over by Abry Partners, the Boston-based investment fund that also owns Best Lawyers. Private equity investment firm Inflexion had acquired Chambers in 2018. Now, with this sale,... view more [+]

IEA publishes first-ever Latin America Energy Outlook report, argues the region "can play an outsized role" in the green energy transition
Latin America-wide
Latin America and the Caribbean are rich in key energy resources, from critical minerals to hydropower, yet present and future policies will determine...

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On November 8th, the International Energy Agency unveiled its first-ever in-depth report on the current energy landscape and sustainable potential in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the organization, the region is well placed to thrive ... view more [+]

On November 8th, the International Energy Agency unveiled its first-ever in-depth report on the current energy landscape and sustainable potential in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the organization, the region is well placed to thrive as clean energy transitions move forward and to co... view more [+]

On November 8th, the International Energy Agency unveiled its first-ever in-depth report on the current energy landscape and sustainable potential in Latin America and the Caribbean. According to the organization, the region is well placed to thrive as clean energy transitions move forward and to co... view more [+]

4-day workweek: which countries are implementing pilot projects without lowering wages?
More flexibility, less stress, and equal productivity: these are some of the arguments put forward by advocates of the 4-day workweek. With the rise of remote employment and the growing interest in wo... view more [+]

More flexibility, less stress, and equal productivity: these are some of the arguments put forward by advocates of the 4-day workweek. With the rise of remote employment and the growing interest in work-life balance, the debate on reducing the number... view more [+]

More flexibility, less stress, and equal productivity: these are some of the arguments put forward by advocates of the 4-day workweek. With the rise of remote employment and the growing interest in work-life balance, the debate on reducing the number of hours without cutting paychecks continues to g... view more [+]

More flexibility, less stress, and equal productivity: these are some of the arguments put forward by advocates of the 4-day workweek. With the rise of remote employment and the growing interest in work-life balance, the debate on reducing the number of hours without cutting paychecks continues to g... view more [+]

Diaz Reus appoints Andrew Smith as Of Counsel in Miami
Diaz Reus International Law Firm (DRT) has announced that Andrew Smith has joined its Miami headquarters as Of Counsel. Andrew Smith primarily counsels on international litigation and arbitration m... view more [+]

Diaz Reus International Law Firm (DRT) has announced that Andrew Smith has joined its Miami headquarters as Of Counsel. Andrew Smith primarily counsels on international litigation and arbitration matters. While attending BYU Law School, Mr. Smi... view more [+]

Diaz Reus International Law Firm (DRT) has announced that Andrew Smith has joined its Miami headquarters as Of Counsel. Andrew Smith primarily counsels on international litigation and arbitration matters. While attending BYU Law School, Mr. Smith clerked for a Pacific Northwest law firm specia... view more [+]

Diaz Reus International Law Firm (DRT) has announced that Andrew Smith has joined its Miami headquarters as Of Counsel. Andrew Smith primarily counsels on international litigation and arbitration matters. While attending BYU Law School, Mr. Smith clerked for a Pacific Northwest law firm specia... view more [+]

Legislative Assembly Approves Tax and Customs Amnesty in El Salvador
El Salvador
On November 1, 2023, the Legislative Assembly approved the Special and Transitory Law that grants Facilities for the Voluntary Compliance of Tax and Customs Obligations, effective until December 8, 20... view more [+]

On November 1, 2023, the Legislative Assembly approved the Special and Transitory Law that grants Facilities for the Voluntary Compliance of Tax and Customs Obligations, effective until December 8, 2023. Through this tax amnesty, taxpayers are exe... view more [+]

On November 1, 2023, the Legislative Assembly approved the Special and Transitory Law that grants Facilities for the Voluntary Compliance of Tax and Customs Obligations, effective until December 8, 2023. Through this tax amnesty, taxpayers are exempted from the payment of fines and interest of in... view more [+]

On November 1, 2023, the Legislative Assembly approved the Special and Transitory Law that grants Facilities for the Voluntary Compliance of Tax and Customs Obligations, effective until December 8, 2023. Through this tax amnesty, taxpayers are exempted from the payment of fines and interest of in... view more [+]

Galicia bolsters TMT and Artificial Intelligence practice by adding Xavier Careaga from Meta (formerly Facebook) as Counsel
Galicia Abogados has announced the appointment of Xavier Careaga as Counsel. The former Meta (formerly Facebook) lawyer joins the firm to strengthen its Technology, Media, Telecommunications (TMT) ... view more [+]

Galicia Abogados has announced the appointment of Xavier Careaga as Counsel. The former Meta (formerly Facebook) lawyer joins the firm to strengthen its Technology, Media, Telecommunications (TMT) and Artificial Intelligence area, promoting the fi... view more [+]

Galicia Abogados has announced the appointment of Xavier Careaga as Counsel. The former Meta (formerly Facebook) lawyer joins the firm to strengthen its Technology, Media, Telecommunications (TMT) and Artificial Intelligence area, promoting the firm’s institutional digital transformation strate... view more [+]

Galicia Abogados has announced the appointment of Xavier Careaga as Counsel. The former Meta (formerly Facebook) lawyer joins the firm to strengthen its Technology, Media, Telecommunications (TMT) and Artificial Intelligence area, promoting the firm’s institutional digital transformation strate... view more [+]


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