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Guatemala: New Air Express Customs Clearance Model 

Arias - Through the Instruction Manual for the Management of Permitted Activities and Operations in the New Air Customs Clearance model issued on January 24, 2024 by the Superintendence of Tax Administration, the necessary guidelines were provided for the personnel of the loading and unloading area of the Express Air Customs and for the Users of Customs Services.

The main benefits are the following:

1. Integration of applications in the Virtual Agency.
2. Simplification and automation of customs processes.
3. Electronic requests.
4. Strengthening of the logistics chain.
5. Real-time cargo traceability.
6. Reduction of costs and clearance times.
7. Reduction of physical presence at customs facilities.

It is important to mention that within the same Instruction Manual, reference is made to the Permitted Activities and Operations that require payment to COMBEX-IM, appointment with COMBEX-IM or supervision by the Tax Administration Superintendency. If the activity or operation requires assistance from customs personnel for field verification, the user must notify the customs personnel.


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