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Photo: Hibernus


Marval advises Hiberus in the formation of a Joint Venture with Grupo Clarín to set up a technology consulting firm in Argentina

Marval O’Farrell Mairal advised Hiberus International Ventures S.L., a company of Grupo Hiberus -a leading technology company in Spain- in the acquisition of 55 % of the shares of Hiberus S.A. Thus, it became majority shareholder together with local partners Arte Gráfico Editorial Argentino S.A. and GC Gestión Compartida S.A., both companies of Grupo Clarín.

The transaction closed on December 12, 2023.

Hiberus S.A. aspires to be a leading technology consulting firm in the country and a development hub to provide services in the national and regional market.

Marval O’Farrell Mairal acted as legal advisor in the transaction through its partner Pablo Artagaveytia together with associates Agustina María Giordano and Santiago Cocimano.


About Grupo Hiberus (Hiberus.com)

It is one of the leading technology consulting companies with 100% private capital of Spanish origin. They are specialized in providing business consulting services, technological development, digital transformation and outsourcing. They are a national benchmark for many public and private entities that today consider them as their main partner when it comes to solving (hand in hand with technology) their needs related to business and processes.

They currently have more than 3,000 employees on staff and, at the end of the year 2023, they will have a turnover of more than 180M€. At national level, they have offices in Alicante, Barcelona, Bilbao, Huesca, Logroño, Madrid, Palma, Pamplona, Seville, Soria, Valencia, Valladolid, Vitoria and Zaragoza. In Europe, the offices are located in London, Munich, Bucharest and Milan and in LATAM, we are present in Quito, Guayaquil, Bogota, Santo Domingo, Managua, Buenos Aires, Mexico City, Medellin, Miami and Resistencia.

About Grupo Clarín and its shareholders (GrupoClarin.com)

Grupo Clarín participates mainly in the areas of publishing and printing, television, radio and programming, digital content and other activities in Argentina. 

Controlling shareholders: Ernestina H. de Noble, Héctor H. Magnetto, Jose Antonio Aranda and Lucio Rafael Pagliaro. Class A shares through GC Dominio S.A., which is an Argentine company. Class C shares through GS Unidos , LLC ; a company under the indirect control of: The 1999 Ernestina Laura Herrera de Noble New York Trust, HHM Media New York Trust, The LRP New York Trust and José Antonio Aranda.

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