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Inspiring Women In Law - An interview with Monica Malcotti: how to carry out the rebranding of a law firm and consolidate its business

Marina Vanni,  May 29, 2024

Latin Counsel spoke with Monica Malcotti, Director of Business Development at BLP in Costa Rica, about the challenge of completely renewing the firm’s brand identity. In addition, the marketing specialist and member of the Legal Marketing Association explained the key aspects to effective communication and successful business development in the legal field.

LC: What are the factors behind BLP’s rapid growth in recent years and what was your role in that growth?

Monica Malcotti:
BLP’s growth and success story is due to a mix of factors, one of the most important being BLP’s DNA. Since its inception, the founders were very clear about what they wanted the firm to be, and even clearer about what they did not want it to be. The firm has a very strong DNA, and the people who make up the firm are compatible with that DNA. Attracting and retaining top talent has been essential. BLP’s corporate culture, which promotes collaboration, innovation and continuous development, has been a key driver of growth.

Another important and key factor in BLP’s success and growth has been our clients and the trust they have placed in us. They have allowed us to be part of their strategic decisions. Expansion into new geographic markets has also been key to growth and to being close to our clients.

My role in that growth has been the same as that of all of us who are part of BLP. We have identified ourselves with the firm’s vision and we have embraced its DNA, thus driving its growth.

From my trench, focused on Business Development and the Marketing and Communications part of the firm, my contribution has been multifaceted, taking advantage of my background as a lawyer, which has allowed me to understand the business with a certain edge, I have been able to lead the creation and implementation of business development strategies that have identified new market opportunities and potential areas of expansion; I have overseen integrated marketing campaigns that have increased the visibility of the BLP brand and generated a steady flow of new clients. These campaigns have utilized both digital and traditional channels to maximize reach; I have managed and motivated a team of business development and marketing professionals, fostering a collaborative and results-oriented work environment.

BLP has also given me the opportunity over the years to perform and collaborate on projects that are not necessarily inherent to my role, but that have allowed me to learn and expand the scope of my skills and in turn give back with ideas and projects that have contributed to the growth of the firm.

LC: How would you describe BLP’s new brand identity and what was your contribution to it?

We recently launched our rebranding, a project that took about a year and is undoubtedly one of the most challenging I have worked on in my career at BLP. We worked with a renowned advertising agency and an exceptional team that helped us materialize our ideas and insights, and to whom we are deeply grateful.
The main objective of this rebranding was to preserve the essence of the brand, its values, its vision, its DNA. We needed a brand that would faithfully reflect our identity, evolving over time but remaining true and faithful to its essence. We felt that the previous brand no longer adequately represented who we are and where we are going, and it was crucial for us to convey this to both our clients and internal talent and those who join our team.
BLP’s brand is approachable, just as we are with our clients. It is innovative, practical, and even a bit playful. At BLP we enjoy what we do and we always wanted that to be reflected in our image. In addition, we created a variation of the brand for our Sustainability branch, one of our firm’s core pillars, using green as a secondary color instead of orange, while keeping everything else intact.
This rebranding was especially challenging because we implemented the brand applications and developed many of the designs in-house. I have an outstanding, well-rounded marketing team with creative ideas and a deep understanding of BLP’s DNA, as well as being exceptionally good at what they do best. Together we were able to shape this rebranding and execute a successful transition. The positive feedback we have received has been overwhelming, the brand has been very well received and we are extremely happy with the results.
This rebranding also coincided with our move to a new office and remodel, which I had the opportunity to actively participate in to ensure that the environment also reflected our identity as a firm.
The opportunity that BLP has given me in my position, to work in different areas even if they are not strictly Business Development or Marketing, has allowed me to know many angles of the business, to immerse myself in different areas within the firm and to feel more deeply what we are as BDs in law firms: a kind of connective tissue that must interact with different areas to really be able to perform in the best way. A firm that provides these opportunities is fundamental for the professional growth of the BDs, since many times we do not have a clearly defined path for the next steps in our career.

LC: Based on your experience at BLP, what would you say are the keys to developing a business successfully over the long term?

Cultivating strong relationships with clients, deeply understanding their needs and offering customized solutions, maintaining open and transparent communication to build trust, and being constantly committed to continuous improvement to ensure client satisfaction and loyalty. We have a very solid technical team that provides legal solutions always focused on the growth and success of our clients and that allows us to accompany them for many years.
LC: As a member of the Legal Marketing Association and leader of BLP’s Marketing Department, what do you consider to be the most important aspects to carry out a successful communication strategy?

Clarity in the message, segmentation of the target audience, brand consistency, effective use of the appropriate communication channels, monitoring and constant adaptation to the needs and preferences of the market, all around a strategy that genuinely stems from the firm’s values and way of working. These elements are fundamental to building a solid relationship with clients and promoting the firm’s reputation and growth effectively.

LC: What are your passions beyond law?

Currently, my passions are centered around my family. I enjoy every moment of watching my children grow and accompanying them through each new discovery in their early lives. Their growth and development are my greatest source of joy and motivation. When I have time to myself, I enjoy reading books on professional and personal development. I find reading a way to continuously learn and improve, applying new knowledge in my daily life.

LC: What advice would you give to women in the legal sector who want to grow professionally? 

My advice is to work on developing your personal brand, looking for workplaces that support and understand the specific needs of women in their professional growth. In addition, I strongly believe in the importance of creating communities among women to share experiences and support each other. Strong mentors can also be a great help in this journey, providing valuable guidance and advice.

Learn more about Mónica Malcotti

Interview: Marina Vanni

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